The Christian Science Fiction of Ward Wagher


Available August 3!

The Baltic Regiment - Beginnings

A New Book by
Ward Wagher

In a moment of haste, frustration, and anger, Otto Putin killed a man and threw away a career in the Merchant & Manufacturers League Marine Corps. Allowed to resign, Putin returned to his home in Potsdam on the planet New Prussia. As he pondered a future career, his cousin, the Elector of New Prussia asked him to solve some problems with his security forces.

As he wrestled with the challenges of a military that resisted change, Putin also considered creating a security firm, more properly described as a mercenary outfit. Along the way he cultivated some new friendships with people who might help him in his future. He reconnected with a woman, a friend from twenty years ago. These people encouraged him to pursue his dreams.

Conflict with the Elector, a tragic spacecraft crash and a group of former Army officers attempting a coup threaten to end his dreams before they have properly begun. In this book we are introduced to the background of Otto Putin, who plays a part in several of Ward Wagher’s books.

Get the book here from Amazon!


Principles of Christian Science-Fiction

The goal of Christian Science-Fiction is to create an exciting story in the speculative realm and also honor Christ the Lord. In order to achieve this goal we observe the following basic principles:

  • 1. Any references to the Christian faith, and doctrine shall be compatible with the Bible.
  • 2. While conflicting philosophies may be presented, ultimately the story shall support what is commonly known as the Christian World-view.
  • 3. Gratuitous and graphic violence shall be avoided.
  • 4. Explicit sexual content shall be avoided, and sex within the context of monogamous marriage shall be presented as the ideal.
  • 5. Language that includes swearing, explicit vulgarity, and general coarseness shall be avoided.

In general, the text should be designed so that the author will not be embarrassed to have the book read by church members / spouses / children.